Saturday, April 18, 2009

Crazy Ducks

I have included the first video on my blog. Today Ryan and I went to Paget Marsh which is a 25 acre nature reserve. There wasn't too much to see, but there were some crazy ducks. After some research, I think they were Muscovy Ducks. We brought some bread and as soon as the ducks heard the crinkle of the bag, they were right at our feet. We couldn't get rid of them. They followed us all along the bridge into the nature reserve.

You can watch the video to see Ryan feeding these crazy ducks.

Until next time...


  1. I would be afraid that those ducks would peck me. On the otherhand, they seemed very friendly. It's kinda cute when that one duck shakes his little tail feather. "Shake ya lil tail feather"

  2. Haha...I know what you mean. I really think they were wagging their tails. Really when they got excited their tail feathers would shake!
