Friday, April 9, 2010

My Work Permit

Today I received the great news that my work permit was approved. I actually have the official paperwork in my hand! I cannot believe it due to the stories I have heard from others about the slow process of immigration. It took three weeks for approval which is amazing considering I have heard some people wait 3-4 months for approval of their work permit. Another piece of great news is that it is approved for two years and will expire on the same date as Ryan's work permit. I believe they tied my work permit to his as you cannot survive in Bermuda without full time work. My job will be under 15 hours a week which is perfect for me as I will also want to concentrate on being a new mom! The two year approval is amazing as that means they will not have to re-advertise for my job next year. Many people get one year permits and then their company must re-advertise for their job a year later. That puts your position in jeopardy as a qualified Bermudian could come along. As I have said many times before, Bermudians get first preference to jobs. I believe that I got offered my job due to my knowledge and experience with the Student Assistance Program (SAP), which is currently in Pennsylvania schools but is just arriving in Bermuda as a pilot program. I was the only applicant with SAP training and experience on my resume.

That leads me into what my job is. I will be working for P.R.I.D.E. Bermuda which is a well established charity in Bermuda. They mainly deal with drug and substance abuse issues and have been working with local organizations, the schools, and the community to promote a substance free lifestyle. Many of P.R.I.D.E.'s programs are targeted at youth to promote a healthy Bermuda for the future. P.R.I.D.E. has hired myself and 3 others as Program Facilitators. I will be going into the schools to present life-skills training to all ages of students. The life-skills curriculum not only focuses on making positive choices in relation to drug and alcohol abuse, but it also focuses on positive self-esteem, good communication skills, and relationship building. It is a comprehensive program which starts at the primary level. I will also be running group counseling sessions in the schools focusing on topics such as anger management, children of addicts, and substance abusers. The last component is the establishment of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) in Bermuda schools. A well executed SAP program brings teachers, principals, school administrators, and school counselors together to discuss troubled students. A SAP team will receive referrals about students and will discuss a treatment plan for each student. Students are referred to the SAP team for a variety of issues such as issues at home, substance abuse, trouble with their classes, poor relationship skills, etc... No school in Bermuda currently has a SAP program, so it will be my job to help schools start their own programs. I am most excited about this component of my job. It will best use my counseling skills and knowledge from previous work experiences. I am not only excited that I have obtained work in Bermuda, but I am also thrilled that I will finally be able to put my master's degree to work. I graduated with my master's degree only three months before our arrival in Bermuda.

Like people always say, "Good things come to those who wait." Well I waited alright. I waited a whole year to get a job offer and a work permit. Plus throw in the pregnancy too. It will be the perfect job with flexibility to raise a baby while still getting me out of the house once in awhile. I cant wait to start my job and I CANNOT wait for the arrival of Baby Crawford. 37 days to go!

Until next time...


  1. I admire you. Counseling is helping and guiding people. I highly commend you of your good works.
